I am pleased to inform you that BID Services will be running a summer holiday scheme on the following days:
Tuesday 9th August
Wednesday 10th August
Thursday 11th August
Tuesday 16th August
Wednesday 17th August
Thursday 18th August
There a file to download to allow you to open the file and fill out the form or visit our website to take a look at our information.
This will be for Deaf children aged 8 to 14 years old. Siblings are welcome provided that places are available.
There will be exciting outings daily! The programme will run from 09:30am to 4:00pm. Please be punctual.
Limited places are available so we will operate on a first come, first served basis. Your child is welcome to attend as many days as s/he wishes however we do advise your child to attend the whole 6 days to gain the full benefits.
There will be a charge of £15.00 per week or £30.00 for two weeks which is payable by Friday 5th August 2016. This is non-refundable.
An information pack (incorporating details of the programme) will be sent out once a place is confirmed. In the meantime, please fill in the registration/consent form, indicate which dates your child can attend and return to us no later than Friday 5th August 2016 with payment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Adam Breeze
Deaf Inclusive Sports Officer/Deaf Youth Participation Officer