Year 3 enjoyed their music lesson, learning names of instruments and trying out their skills at playing...
- Jul 14
- Jul 11
Year 3 enjoyed meeting different animals with ‘The Animal Man’.
- Jun 17
Year 3 start the preparation for their garden.
- May 15
Article 29 of the UNCRC states that all children have the right to have their talents nurtured, so Year 3 have enjoyed honing their drama and filming skills with Bhulla and Mary Jane.
- May 15
Year 3 learnt how to make pittas in Forest School
- May 15
Year 3 and 4 have learnt what to do in a medical emergency and how to offer basic first aid.
- Mar 12
Article 24 of the UNCRC states that all children have the right to good health care and to be safe.
- Mar 12
In Science, Year 3 have been learning about how light reflects.
- Mar 12
Year 3 learning about beat in music, watching and listening for a beat and repeating this. Changing the tempo of the beat.
- Jan 16
Year 3 pupils showed their angelic sides in the Nativity this today !
Bell Hill,
West Midlands,
B31 1LD