Co-operative Trust Consultation Documents
Formal Statutory Consultation for conversion from Community to Foundation Status
For some time, our Governing Board have been considering the best options for Longwill School to ensure that we have the right networks and support so that we can continue to provide the very best deaf education for your child.
Having looked at a range of options we decided to consult informally on an option to change the type of school we are from a Community school to a Foundation school. This will allow us to form a partnership with 6 other Birmingham special schools and partners to achieve our aims for the school. The results of this were extremely positive with the vast majority firmly in favour of proceeding to a formal period of statutory consultation (4 weeks).
We believe this will afford us exciting opportunities moving forward. Please find attached all the information for our formal consultation. If you’ve got any comments or questions to make please email them to enquiry@longwill.bham.sch.uk by noon on 26th March 2018