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Dec 5, 2023
We were developing our expressive BSL skills in Deaf Studies today.
We learn that it is our right to use our own language (UNCRC Article 30)

Dec 5, 2023
Y3 children have the right to have their talents nurtured (UN CRC Article 29)..
and so the children have been learning how to use tools effectively and safely in Forest School.

Dec 3, 2023
Every child has a right to an education (UNCRC, Article 28) and that they should have knowledge ...
of Sustainable Development Goal 8, which focuses on about learning economic growth. Therefore, the children showed their entrepreneurial...

Dec 3, 2023
Article 29 of the UN CRC states that all children have the right to have their talents nurtured.
Therefore, we used our skills, talents and abilities to good effect during Enterprise Week, creating these amazing headbands.

Dec 3, 2023
Y5 used their skills by selling headbands during Enterprise Week to raise money.
Article 29 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that all children have the right to an education which...

Dec 3, 2023
UNCRC, Article 14 states that all children have the right to a religion.
So, Y3 learnt about Diwali and made Rangoli patterns

Nov 28, 2023
Y3 children have the right to have their talents nurtured (UN CRC Article 29)
and so the children have been learning how to use tools effectively and safely in Forest School.

Nov 21, 2023
We have been learning to protect our many rights that could be effected because of climate change...
We are campaigning for the government to adapt schools and protect us from the changing climate. Look at our amazing cards that we are...

Nov 16, 2023
We were learning about our right to choose our own religion
(UNCRC Article 14) in our Music lesson by learning about Diwali. We each ‘lit’ candles and sang songs about this special festival.

Nov 13, 2023
Year 6 learnt how to be safe at home and what to do if there is a fire.
This links to our rights as UNCRC Article 36 states: I have the right to be safe from harm.

Nov 6, 2023
Year 5 have worked hard to clear their garden ready for planting bulbs.
UNCRCA ARTICLE 29 we have the right to have our abilities developed

Oct 22, 2023
Year 5 had a wonderful time in Forest School learning how the Anglo-Saxons dyed cloth using berries
(UNCRC, Articles 28 and 29)

Oct 15, 2023
We welcomed friends and family to Harvest Festival celebration last week.
The children performed songs, dances and poetry for the audience and we collected a huge quantity of food for our local food bank. A...

Oct 8, 2023
Article 8 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that
every child has a right to their own identity. As part of learning about our identity, we have been learning our sign names and the sign...

Oct 8, 2023
During Black History Month children in our Foundation department...
learned about Marley Dias who campaigned in America for more books at school with children who looked like her. We looked in our book box...

Sep 26, 2023
Year 5 learned about the plight of Snow Leopards and wanted to help.
Therefore, they used the money raised during the Enterprise Project to adopt a Snow Leopard (Rights of the Child Article 12 and...

Sep 26, 2023
Year 5 have been looking at digital devices and how they operate.
UNCRCA Article 13 I have the right to find out information

Jul 28, 2023
Year 6 visited Birmingham on Monday.
They caught the bus and choose a book from Waterstones and enjoy lunch at Pizza Hut. UNCRC Article 17 I have the right to access Information

Jul 19, 2023
We have the right to find out information (UNCRC Article 13)
and so we enjoyed our trip to Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park today where we could find out about a variety of animals. We also...

Jul 4, 2023
Year 4 “Campaign Animal Rights” have voted to adopt an animal...
using their money from their Enterprise Week fund raising project. We wanted to support an animal who needs vital funding. UNCRC, Article...
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