Bubble 5 have had fun in school this week !!
Pupils in Bubble 2 have been very busy this week in school. Lots of lovely activities...
Bubble 5 have been painting some lovely nature pictures.
Bubble 5 enjoyed some activites during Golden Time !
Bubble 5 had lots of fun in school last week, making Volcanoes!
Bubble 1 have been busy in school this week.
In school bubble 4 have been creating "What makes me happy?" salt dough sculptures.
The children in Bubble 4 have designed and made marble run games as a DT project
We made sunshine cards to encourage the sun to come back out!
We made our own beanstalks and drew our ideal houses ...
The children in school have been working very hard and making sure they keep active!
Bubble 2 have been working hard today.
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